Meet Logixboard:
your customer experience upgrade.

Enable customers to book, track and manage their shipments from one cohesive platform — across all the services you offer.

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Trusted by logistics service providers around the globe

Trusted by logistics service providers around the globe

 Stand out from the rest

Stop losing deals to competitors who offer better technology.

Increase revenue

Offer a tech-enabled experience that differentiates you from the competition and helps win new accounts.

Improve retention

Create stickier customer relationships by delivering critical capabilities your customers will come to rely on.

Operate efficiently

Reduce phone tag by letting customers book and track shipments from your own branded web-portal.

 We've got you covered

A white-labeled customer experience platform, seamlessly connected to your internal systems


Shipment Tracking

Order Tracking


Inventory Management

In-app Messaging

Analytics & Reporting

Document Sharing




 Real-Time Shipment Tracking

Empower your customers with centralized visibility into the location and status of their goods — across every transport mode.

 Self Service Bookings

Put an end to long, confusing email threads. Allow customers to initiate and track bookings right from the platform.

 Purchase Order Tracking

Enable customers to track individual SKUs through every step of their supply chain — from ex-factory to delivery.

 Warehouse Inventory Management

Empower customers with a complete picture of their warehouse inventory so they can make better purchasing decisions.

 What our customers say

Freight forwarders who implement Logixboard gain more than just another software vendor.

 Stay in the Know

Keep up with customer expectations.